Page 11 - 05_July-Aug 2024
P. 11

Q: It’s our Fav Eats issue, but have you ever had too much of a good thing? Was there a food you loved as a kid, but ate too much of, and to this day you can’t stand the sight of it? Has a food ever gone from yum to yuck because you overdid it?
I remember one summer
as a kid, aged six maybe, when I was so hot and sweaty and hungry after running outside all after- noon. I sat on top of my swing set slide and devoured an entire container of that pastel green, orange and pink sherbet ice cream while my dad mowed the lawn.
It came back up in a frothy pastel rainbow and I haven’t eaten it again!
It’s an understatement to say I love food (except liver, of course). My “too much of a good thing” is definitely Indian curry. My wife and I were visiting friends in London and we ordered take away for a dinner party. I ate so much it gave me a migraine, but it keeps pulling me back for more!
My favourite childhood candy was chocolate covered toffee. But it stopped being my favourite during a summer holiday when a particularly gluey
hunk of toffee attached itself to a filling and yanked it right out of my molar. The whole experience was painful and unpleasant, and I haven’t had one since.
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