Page 47 - 04-June-2024
P. 47

                            BY LEIF GREGERSEN
est Edmonton Mall is a teeming expanse of stores and attractions.
It employs over 24,000 people to accommodate the over 30 million visits made to the mall each year. It’s a place where one can bungee jump, watch a hockey game or shop for clothing. There is a plethora of restaurants and fast-food outlets.
But some go there seeking more than just material goods or transitory, adrenalin-fueled activities.
Across from the Fantasyland Hotel, up a set of brightly lit stairs to the second floor, you will find Lovedmonton, a chapel which ministers to the spiritual and physical needs of anyone who steps through its doors.
At the entrance, I look at some books on a table. Within a few seconds, the community service pastor, Braden Brodeur, and Chaplain and Administrator Tammy Saunders approach me. Each shakes my hand and introduce themselves. They offer me a coffee and, after a tour, sit me at a table and speak in depth about their work and ministry.

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