Page 9 - 06_September-2024
P. 9

Q: Bars, theatres and public works — this issue shares our love of Edmonton design. But what’s a design that drives you nuts?
You’re at a restaurant, ready to wash your hands like a civilized human being. You approach the sleek, futuristic basin, hands outstretched, expecting water to flow. But no. The faucet’s sensor has apparently taken a break. You wave your hands, you jiggle them, you practically perform an interpretive finger dance, but the faucet remains dry. And then, when you’ve pulled your hands away in frustration, it springs to life, splashing water everywhere except where your hands are. It’s like playing hygiene Russian roulette.
Our least favourite design is usually found when you get to the office after a nice weekend. You sit down at your desk, motivated for the week ahead. As you go to start your day with a flick of the computer mouse, you realize that it is dead. You then have to turn the mouse onto its back, rendering it useless. You plug it in to slowly charge, watching your morning productivity drift away. After 15 iterations of the iPhone can we please shift our attention to the mouse so that it can finally be charged and used at the same time? We know the technology is out there, Apple.
After 35 years of taking photos I’ve learned to not sweat the small stuff, especially regarding “design/tech” changes. Even with cameras, with all the advancements and high tech stuff, manual is always the answer. As long as the “new whatever ” doesn’t get in the way I can work with it. Best part about that mindset is not chasing the tech or feeding today’s built-in obsolescence.
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