Page 59 - 03-May-2024
P. 59

                  Sponsored Feature
 The Secret Sauce
to Alberta’s
Food Industry
AFPA celebrates 50 years of keeping consumers safe — and helping producers succeed
 Alberta Food Processors Association
(AFPA) has been ensuring an informed public could #BuyLocal before it was cool. For 50 years, the organization has been the active supporter of the food and beverage producers and processors in the province.
Over the years, Bianca Parsons consulted with the non-profit association. Today, as its executive director, she says she’s proud to be part of the longest-running provincial food processor associations in Canada. “One of the reasons it started in the first place was to create safe food by
Albertans, for Albertans,” Parsons says. “And we've continued to do that over the years through courses, consultations and the ability to really help a company do everything from workplace health and safety, to food safety, to marketing and supporting them on their regulatory journey.”
Made in Alberta — created in conjunction with the provincial government — is one of AFPA’s more public- facing programs, but Parsons says that historically,AFPA has been the “secret sauce” keeping Alberta-grown food safe. “We don't have a lot of food recalls in Alberta,” she explains. “And one of the
main reasons is because of an association like ours, that helps companies make sure that what they're doing is really safe.”
On top of keeping Alberta consumers safe,AFPA also helps companies grow beyond our borders.AFPA claims The Little Potato Company, Chef Bombay,Aliyah Foods and Cheemo Perogies as members, all of which ship their products across Canada and beyond.And even if you haven’t heard of them, you’ve
likely tried their treats. “That incredible fudge part of the Dairy Queen cake — that's actually made right here in Edmonton at Sunrise Bakery!”
After hosting a marketing, food and safety conference in last month,AFPA will celebrate its 50th anniversary this June the only way it knows how: with a Food and Beverage awards night that will honour its many food producers in a variety of categories.
But whether a company makes it to
its first farmers’ market,or to the shelves
of an international grocery store, Parsons says success is measured by how much a company grows. “And we’ll be with them throughout their journey, making sure they’re safe and successful along the way!” •

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