Directed by Josette Bushell-Mingo, this unique retelling of Shakespeare’s most magical story of The Tempest is a tale of loss and reconciliation, playing at the Citadel Theatre until May 12. The performance will feature deaf and hearing actors onstage together.
CitadelTheatre, 9828101AAve., 780-425-1820,
Metric and July Talk take the Edmonton Convention Centre stage on April 21 for an evening of catchy rock tunes on their Art of Doubt tour.
Edmonton Convention Centre, 9797 Jasper Avenue, 780-421-9797,
The Edmonton Poetry Festival, around the city from April 22 to April 28, shares works from leading local, national and international poets.
Various venues,
The Winspear Overture Tour will give you a historical and facility tour of the Edmonton Symphony Opera and Winspear on April 24.
Winspear Centre, 4 Sir Winston Churchill Square, 780-428-1414,
Join Town Square Brewing Company on April 24 for the Canadian Comedy Tour for an evening of drinks and laughs with top North American comedians.
Town Square Brewing Company, 2919 Ellwood Dr. SW, 780-244-0212,