Growing up, I was constantly at the library. I remember walking through town to this Wonderland on the weekends. It was amazing. I’d re-read my favourite books or find recommended reads. For me, books were a requirement for everything. Going to school? Need a book to read for when I get bored. Going on a day trip? Grab a book. Going for a sleepover? Book! I used to read books like I inhale oxygen.
And while I don’t read as much as I’d like to anymore, I was happy to hear that the Edmonton Public Library was opening its doors just in time for spring break. And, the modern library is about a lot more than books; there are movies, Makerspaces, art and workshops.
Libraries are meeting places and destinations for all sorts of knowledge, not just what’s printed on the page. Starting Saturday, March 27, EPL has multiple activities for children to choose from including a BeatBox workshop, and a contest to find a Cheshire Cat online. Now, go ask Alice for some help.