It’s the time of night where it’s too early for bed and too late for a movie. But all the same, I find myself on the sofa, under a soft, cozy blanket, flicking through Netflix. This has now become a somewhat mundane part of my evenings. The truth of the matter is, I have watched everything I wanted to, and nothing new interests me.
I get to the comedy section and pause. John Mulaney. James Acaster. Michael McIntyre. All funny, but let’s skip. It’s while I’m skipping through the shows that I remember Christopher Hitchens’s article in Vanity Fair about how women aren’t funny because they give birth.
To that we say, boo. And the University of Alberta and the Alberta Council for Global Corporation agree. Together, the two organizations are holding an All BIPOC Women Show where the four performers on the bill will make you roar with laughter.
Martha Chaves, Hoodoo Hersi, Stephanie Pangowish and Celeste Lampa are taking over the Grindstone Stage on February 5 at 7 p.m., as part of U of A’s International Week. Tickets are $10 and the show will be livestreamed via Zoom.