Denise Milne, CEO of CASA and CASA Foundation
A man wearing a top hat looked down at the crowd from about 10 feet above the tallest head. He moved across Hall D of the Shaw Conference Centre’s floor like he was walking on water rather than stilts. Resembling a Dust Bowl-era carnival, the hall was lined with more than 500 people eating cotton candy and some taking turns getting their photos taken in an antique carnival booth.
It was all part of the CASA Carnival, where more than $400,000 was raised on May 9 in support of CASA, an organization that provides children’s mental health programs. Premier Dave Hancock opened the program by announcing the provincial government’s decision to provide $17 million towards the rebuilding of the CASA Centre. “The event really brought into the forefront the importance of celebrating mental wellness and the supports needed for families accessing CASA services,” said Denise Milne, CEO of CASA and CASA Foundation. 1. Chris Felizardo and Amy Felizardo 2. Katrina Weiman and Tyler Weiman 3. Simon Sochatsky and Martina Sochatsky 4. Christopher Weiss and Elliot Kerr 5. Jarrod Bayne and Esther Steeves 6. Joy Procinsky and Daryl Procinsky 7. Kristina Hoehne and Mike Capus 8. Stewart Hai and Polly Hai 9. Dr. Marilyn Westbury and Dr. Robert Westbury 10. Amy McWilliams and Jen Kinzer