As a long-time instructor, Taina Lorenz has reached people of all ages and abilities through classical music, and helps them play it everyday. A former grade-school music teacher, and now director of the Cosmopolitan Music Society, Lorenz focused her PhD (in Music Education and Cognition) on “how we communicate as people, and how do we communicate in a music environment? And so that’s really become my focus through my career: as a community leader through music.”
One of the things she’s learned as a musical leader, regarding the public’s perception of opera, is that “our imaginations tend to be far more scary than the reality — if we’ve grown up with the idea that opera is all these massive, gilded sets with the fat lady and the horns, in languages that we don’t understand that run 25 hours long, then when you hear the word opera, you aren’t thinking Bugs Bunny, you’re thinking something that’s antiquated and only for the very smart, or the very fancy.”
The idea of opera in most people’s heads overwhelms before they even give Edmonton’s stripped-down operas a chance, Lorenz continues. “And this is where [Ivany] is so brilliant, because he’s getting away from that stereotypical, mega-opera production, and paring it down, putting it in languages that we understand. Like Die Fledermaus — I’ve actually played that opera, I was in the pit orchestra, but his rendition is the most I’ve ever understood it, because of how he staged it.”
Despite seeing many well-reviewed, “one-off” operas over her life, Lorenz only became a season-ticket holder in the last few years, specifically because of how Ivany’s vision “blew her away” at the first show she saw. So what’s her pitch to someone who’s opera curious, or even opera adverse?
“Opera is for the people — if you want to wear jeans, wear jeans. If you want to drink beer, drink beer. If no one wants to go with you, show up by yourself. Some of those stigmas of the classism associated with opera don’t actually exist. And now as a season ticket holder, I can see that there’s more young people in the seats, there are more people taking selfies and engaging with the music. The imagined ‘typical opera goer’ has changed — it’s regular people, and that’s part of the fun.”
Dress up, dress down — just come as you are to Bluebeard’s Castle, February 1, 4, 6 and 7.