Edify gets enlightened by D.N.E
Good morning! How are you doing?
I’m good, thanks. I’m not usually up at this hour, but I went to bed early.
Oh well thanks for waking up early. I assume a lot of your work is done at night then?
Yeah, I’m also a musician and I have band practice most evenings, so I get home around 11:30 and don’t go to bed until three.
Oh wow. I should probably keep that in mind when interviewing musicians.
Haha, it’s fine. But when I told my bandmate I was doing an interview at 9 a.m. he was like, “Doesn’t he know you’re an artist?”
Well I appreciate your early morning time, and I’ll try not to keep you too long. You’re an artist I don’t think many of our readers are familiar with — how’d you get your start?
I’m born and raised in Edmonton, and I’ve always been into art, poetry, and writing — when I was in junior high, I’d make poems for people and draw pictures all around them, or I’d make my own little newspapers with comics in the back.
And music was a natural extension of that creativeness too?
I was obsessed with music from a young age, but it really hit home when I took keyboard lessons. I didn’t take them very long, and I never did any of the lessons, but I’d come back every week and I’d have learned something, like a Bach melody or a Beethoven melody, and I had this keyboard where you could record and speed it up. So I learned to play as fast as possible, record it, and then I would play it back, maybe four times as fast.
I’ve read about the similarities between classical music and metal, and how there’s a connection between them — it sounds like metal was sort of in you before you really knew what metal was.
I 100 per cent think that is true. I’ve thought about that before, and I do think there’s a certain type of person that is drawn to it. Some people find metal and they like it… and then they don’t like it anymore. But some for some people, like me, I do feel it is so ingrained in their being that it’s the only thing that makes sense. Like I can’t picture my life without it — my whole life revolves around that essence. Of course, I’ve had other interests in spirituality since I was a teenager, which kind of ties all together with what I do with my work. But I realized that I wasn’t whole without metal. I needed to discover this to help discover myself.