In the darkness of winter, we see light and hope in dance and music.
The birth of a world of dance by one small company is best described as happenstance. It began as a quest, filled with challenge, a new perspective and an unimaginable experience. Two friends having just graduated from the dance program at Grant MacEwan College (now MacEwan University), set out on an adventure and the idea for Vinok Worldance was born – nearly 40 years ago.
Leanne Koziak and Co-Founder, Doyle Marko, first met as teens at the Cheremosh Ukrainian Dance Company in Edmonton. Looking for an opportunity to perform professionally and to learn dance from around the world, they travelled to Amsterdam to dance with Internationaale Folkloristisch Danstheater.
“Growing up as a Ukrainian-Canadian, the concept of me performing the dances of other cultures had never occurred to me. When I went to Amsterdam, I felt this door open to a new world where I was invited in and given permission to participate,” says Koziak.
The experience was exhilarating. It also sparked the desire to start their own company. Travelling together into Eastern Europe for research, they immersed themselves in the beauty and diversity of global culture. They breathed in the inspiration that would form their values and their artistic mandate.
The word Vinok is Ukrainian for the wreath of flowers young women wear on their heads, and it was inspired by a fishing trip in Bulgaria. Founders Koziak and Marko saw each flower representing a distinct culture that when brought together in an arrangement, symbolizes the diversity of world culture. A bouquet more beautiful than a single bloom, the variety of dance and music presented by Vinok embraces the rich diversity of our world.
Now celebrating 35 years, Koziak runs the company with her daughter Taisa Corsaro, where they hold strong to the initial values of the company. “Funding in the arts is challenging,” says Koziak, “but we remain committed to paying performers.”