The majesty of Alberta’s forests inspires us. The products they provide are essential to our economy and our everyday lives.
But after a wildfire season like the one we had this past summer, one might wonder about the future of our forests. That’s why Alberta’s forest sector is working to safeguard our forests so that Albertans can continue to enjoy them for generations to come.
Believe it or not, wildfires aren’t all bad. They’re a vital part of the lifecycle of our forests — so much so that some tree species have even evolved to release fire-activated seeds. Forest fires clear canopy, allowing for sunlight to release nutrients stored in the forest floor, which in turn stimulates growth and regeneration.
Unhealthy fires can burn with such intensity that forests will struggle to regenerate. Beyond that, they pose serious risks to our wildlife, waterways, the air we breathe and even the places we call home. The landscape today is increasingly complex, and a myriad of intersecting risk factors are driving wildfire risk in the province. A warming climate, a sea of highly flammable trees killed by mountain pine beetles, and a wealth of densely packed over-mature forests are all contributing to the risk of wildfire in the province. Forest companies use a combination of strategies to mitigate the risks of fire and balance the benefits of forest renewal.
“Sustainable forest management can play a key role in wildfire risk mitigation by removing fuels like dry timber and maintaining a healthy balance of age classes on the land base,” says Aspen Dudzic, director of communications at the Alberta Forest Products Association. “The forests in our province are naturally disturbance driven, and historical data shows that a typical forest in Alberta will burn every 30 to 80 years. Forest harvesting is a tool that can facilitate that renewal without posing the risks that wildfire threatens to communities.”
The forest industry looks centuries ahead when it comes to forest management. Before a single tree can be harvested, forestry companies prepare a management plan that looks 200 years into the future.
Those plans are rigorously inspected by the Government of Alberta and reassessed every 10 years to consider things like disease, drought, growth, new technologies, other industry activity and more.
Plans start with a full environmental assessment — including water sources, wildlife habitats, tree species and soil quality, among others. On top of those assessments, forest companies ensure details of harvest are planned to maintain the essential features of the forest and set a stage for a successful regeneration.
Loving a forest takes planning, knowledge and work. Alberta’s forest companies work with researchers and government to ensure Alberta’s forests are healthy and thriving.
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