If you shared a photo on social media during the viral “10 Year Challenge” that closed 2019, you were likely “out-liked” by Edmonton-Highlands-Norwood MLA Janis Irwin’s decennial flashback.
She’s arguably had the most dynamic style evolution since 2010 and, yet, the present-day rendition of the Edmonton MLA feels the most suiting. Think: Bright, patterned shirts, thrifted ties, tailored men’s suits and a short bouffant of curls atop her head.
“I have a closet full of heels that I haven’t touched in years,” she says. While breaking gender norms is one thing she actively fights for at work, Irwin’s personal sense of style appears to be passively inspiring the next generation: “I’ve had a few young people reach out to me and ask me where I buy my suits, and say that they appreciate me for dressing in a ‘non-traditional’ way. If I can show others that it’s OK to dress however you feel most comfortable, then that’s pretty great.”
“I love the first suit I got at The Helm. I believe I was the second woman that they’d fitted for a suit. It just felt so good to get it tailored to my body and for it to fit so well.”
Back to Avenue Edmonton’s Best Dressed 2020
This article appears in the April 2020 issue of Avenue Edmonton