Oh, how we wanted to ride the LRT on the Valley Line Southeast extension. But, deadlines were missed, cracks in concrete piers were found, and we couldn’t even use it to get to Folk Fest this past August.
Sure, all summer long, we saw the blue test trains on the track. Testing and testing. Testing some more. And now we have no idea when the line will actually open for public use.
Construction on the Valley Line Southeast began in the spring of 2016. Eleven new stops are being added to the system along 13 kilometres of new rail.
Other extensions have recently been completed in major Canadian cities, so, we wondered, how does the Valley Line Southeast compare?
Line 1 extension
Skytrain Evergreen Extension
Confederation Line LRT
(During construction, sink-holes appeared on the downtown portion of the line. The project was delivered more than one year after the estimated completion date; it’s also the best comparison to Edmonton, and the timelines are close).
This article appears in the October 2022 issue of Edify