– “I consider honey bees to be highly unionized insects; they have strict rules among themselves. If the temperature is below a certain point, or the wind is up to a certain velocity, they won’t go out. So, they’re not actually that effective in pollinating our fruit trees in spring. Orchard bees and other native bees, however, go out no matter the weather and visit more plants than honey bees.”
– “To attract bees that live in cavities, you take a piece of untreated wood, drill down about four or five inches into the wood, about one inch apart and they’ll use it as housing. For those that live in the ground, you just leave certain areas of your yard undisturbed and they will build a nest in the soil.”
– “I prefer to water in the morning for two reasons: One is the slug problem – if I water in the evening, slugs come in and have dinner at night and finish off my plants – and the other reason is that an early morning watering allows plants to dry up before going to bed, reducing the incidence of diseases.”
– “I use a lot of compost and I only correct deficiency with synthetic fertilizers. I can test to see if the fertilizer is working with an indicator plant. So I grow corn and from the symptoms on the corn, I can tell what is deficient and what isn’t. If nitrogen is deficient, the leaves will yellow; if leaves are purplish, it could be phosphorous deficiency; and if the leaves are thick and wrinkled, calcium deficiency.”
– “You can select vegetable varieties that are frost-tolerant up to minus-four degrees Celsius, including most of the cabbage family, spinach and an edible chrysanthemum from Asia. You can also consistently spray a fine mist on plants to protect them from frost during cold snaps. The water needs to freeze on the leaves and roots; it might be minus-three or -four outside and only zero inside the plant.”
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