As we enter this holiday season, it’s important to remember what matters most: Gathering with the people we love. But sometimes, the people we love can, well, kind of get on our nerves, which brings us to the second most important thing to remember: delicious food and drinks that help you get along with even the craziest uncle who constantly talks about Fox News even though he lives in Red Deer and maybe goes to Arizona or Vegas once every couple of years. Instead of going crazy with gifts, let’s entertain like there’s no tomorrow. Mixologists and chefs from May, Fu’s Repair Shop and XIX have provided some inspiration for the season. Now, let’s get out of those track pants and get ready to get out again.
Fu’s Repair Shop
Downtown | 9902 109 St NW Edmonton |
XIX Nineteen
Mactaggart | 5940 Mullen Way, Edmonton | 780.395.1119
Oakmont | #104 150 Bellerose Drive, St. Albert | 780.569.1819
Blend ingredients until sugar and cinnamon are dissolved.
Downtown | 2 Sir Winston Churchill Sq, Edmonton, AB | 780.392.2501 |
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A list of what’s delicious, delectable and delightful.
This article appears in the December 2022 issue of Edify